
  • You do not need to book a pitch for any of our events, just turn up from 6am for morning car boot sales and from 10am for afternoon car boot sales.

    • Always be polite. A smile, a please and a thank-you may result in a quick and easy sale.
    • Arrive early. Give yourself sufficient time to set out your stall before the flocks arrive.
    • Take any spare carrier bags you may have lying around at home. These can then be offered to buyers who may already have their hands full.
    • Have plenty of change handy. £20 in loose change and some notes should be sufficient and something secure such as a money belt is a good idea.
    • Our venues do not provide tables, plastic sheets etc so please bring along any additional equipment you may need on the day.
    • Expect buyers to haggle so always conduct your business in a polite manner. It’s all part of the fun.
    • Mark up faulty items as such so that potential buyers know what they are purchasing.
    • It’s a good idea to take a friend or family member with you on the day to help out.
    • Consider offering a discount for bulk purchases from the same buyer.
    • Ensure your items are in a suitable condition for selling. Clean/polished goods will always be easier to sell.
    • Don’t be shy, your unwanted goods are someone else’s treasure so bring it all along!
    • Sunny day? Bring some sun cream and a brolly for some shade.
    • Always mark the price on your items for the public and be prepared to haggle.
    • Be reasonable when pricing up your items. Consider reducing some prices as the day moves on if you need to complete a sale that day.
    • Consider colour-coded labels: eg add red, green, blue, yellow stickers to everything and have a preprepared sign stating red=£1, green=£2 etc. Then, as the day progresses….swap the sign for one stating red=50p, green=£1 etc.
    • Don’t be concerned about taking unsold items home at the end of the day. They may fly off your stall at the next car boot sale.
    • Check all electrical goods for faults. It is important to mark faulty items as such to be fair to the buyer who may get them checked on-site.
    • Remember, selling counterfeit goods is illegal and will not be tolerated at any of our events. This also includes Tobaccos and Alcohol.
    • Always tidy up after you and don’t leave litter lying around.
  • Buyers are welcome to turn up at any time from 7am for morning car boot sales and from 10:30am for afternoon car boot sales.

    • Always be polite. A smile, a please and a thank-you may result in a price reduction.
    • Arrive early. Just as it opens if you can drag yourself out of bed on your day off!
    • Allow the sellers to unpack their goods before getting stuck into their items. It is appreciated.
    • Take a suitable bag for your purchases. Stall holders may not be able to provide a trustworthy bag – you don’t want one breaking and an item being damaged.
    • Have plenty of change handy.
    • Take a stroll around the site and check out all of the stalls. You don’t want to miss out on that bargain!
    • If something is out of your price range, pop back later to see if they are willing to reduce the price.
    • Don’t be afraid to haggle but always in a polite manner. It’s all part of the fun.
    • You may receive a discount for bulk purchases from the same seller. It’s always worth asking.
    • Never ignore a box of items. Sellers tend to group less desirable items together, but sometimes a real bargain can be hidden away.
    • Walk around twice – sellers can take more out of their cars after they have cleared some space – you don’t want to miss anything.
    • Be aware of anything you buy, especially electrical goods. If you’re in any doubt do not buy or ask any member of staff or a marshal.